For the past six weeks the park adjourning Takitimu Drive (below 9th Avenue) has been the home of a squatter. This isn’t your usual homeless person, but this is an “occupation” by one Mr Ranginui (that is the name he told me) who already has a home (according to him) adjourning, or part of, the Judea Marae. He says that he has a dispute with the Marae, and that as a tribe member of Ngati Ranginui he owns the park, and Tauranga City Council (and the police) can’t evict him.

I asked Councillor Bev Edlin for help, and both Tauranga City staff and the police have visited Mr Ranginui. He tells me that he has told them to take him to Court, and as a result there seems to be no further action, and he continues to squat there.
I pointed out to the squatter that Ngati Ranginui has been part of the 2012 Treaty Settlement of $140 million ($38 million directly to Ngati Ranginui), and that is full and final settlement for all Tauranga confiscated land. He just doesn’t want to listen, and locals are getting annoyed that this gentleman can continue to squat (including defecating in the bushes), and forcing female walkers and joggers to refrain from using this section of the track at and after dusk. I have been told that he has been abusive to several female walkers, and my questioning him saw his aggression rise also.
I know that if I tried to set up a tent there, the Council would have me immediately evicted. Come on Tauranga City Staff – show some backbone and get this squatter removed. We can’t have different rules for different ethnicities.
If you have a view on these or any other local government issues, I invite you to email me