Andrew specialises in strong governance

Maranda Holdings Limited

Hearing Commissioner & Governance

Bay Brokers Limited
Maranda Holdings Limited (MHL) is a private client oriented Resource Management & Planning Consultation company located at Tauranga, New Zealand.
We offer a full range of services, including:
Resource consents (applications & submissions)
Independent Hearings Commissioner
Dispute Resolution
Assessments of Environmental Effects
District and regional planning (plan changes and policy development)
Long-term planning (structure plans, strategies and master plans)
Strategic consulting
Independent Research
Technical Analysis
Our mission is to offer personalized service to all our customers, through active leadership and integrity in all our dealings.
We aim to be the preferred choice in the community through friendly and reliable service provided by our trained staff.
Our goal is to meet the needs of our customers by providing the highest standard of service.
Andrew von Dadelszen has extensive experience as a commissioner for hearing applications and submissions to regional councils under the following legislation:
Resource Management Act 1991
Land Transport Management Act 2003
Local Government Act 2002
Andrew combines his experience as a Professional RMA Consultant and as a past elected Councillor to Bay of Plenty Regional Council over a six year period. He has considerable experience in the consideration and determination of a variety of statutory hearings. He is an accredited as a commissioner (with a Chairs endorsement) by the Ministry for the Environment, University of Auckland and Local Government New Zealand.
Andrew has acted as a commissioner under the Resource Management Act for regional councils for hearing of applications for designations, resource consents and coastal permits, including:
Wastewater treatment and disposal
Water resources
Discharge to Air consents
Public infrastructure projects
Electricity generation projects
Investment Newsletter
Portfolio Management
Investment Appraisal